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I am grateful every time a writer invites me on their journey.  Please contact me at kanter [dot] beth [at] gmail [dot] com for rates, current availability, and to talk more about working together.


Services I offer either one-on-one or for your group:


Coaching and Mentoring

Developmental Editing
Pitching, Publishing, and Placement Guidance


Individual and Group Workshops

Conference, Retreat, and Organizational Sessions, Workshops, and Classes

Literary Hand Holding


My student's work has appeared in:


The Washington Post, CRAFT, Atticus Review, The Writer, The Columbia Review, The Woven Tale Press, The Baltimore Sun, PBS NewsHour, The Rumpus, The Ocotillo Review, Five Minutes, Lunch Ticket, Roi Fainéant Press, Tangled Locks Review, Halfway Down the Stairs, Brevity, Months to Years, Wild Greens, Dorothy Parker's Ashes, Kveller, and many other newspapers, magazines, anthologies, and literary journals.


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What Beth's students have to say:


Beth Kanter has been an invaluable teacher, coach, mentor, resource, and cheerleader in my development as a writer.  I began working with Beth with no previous experience in writing or publishing creative nonfiction.  Now, two years later, with Beth’s knowledgeable and supportive guidance, I’ve had five pieces published and am currently assembling a proposal for a book.

-Pat Hulsebosch




I feel incredibly blessed to have connected with Beth Kanter for the developmental editing of my memoir, “The Nightmare on December 23rd – 7,145 Miles and A Million Little Steps.”  This book is my family’s first publication that Beth helped develop –  she worked with us like a family member.  From the first draft to the final version, the journey has been possible only because of Beth’s genuine interest, her insight on many details, and her spot on inference of my voice.  She taught me how to zoom in on important details, and made me the writer I am today. Every time I compare the first draft with the final version, I just feel overjoyed – all thanks to Beth.  I like to believe that this book is a part of my life rather than just a project so she hasn’t only contributed to a writing project but made a significant contribution to my life through her work.


-Lakshmi Kant



Working with Beth has been a revelation for my writing and editing process. One of her gifts is creating a space that fosters creativity, risk taking, and rigorous exploration and curiosity. As a guide, mentor, and teacher, she has a magical alchemy for finding gold mixed into the straw. She is devoted to supporting a writer’s discovery of what their work is truly about. My writing and storytelling is stronger and more focused for Beth’s questions, observations, and insight. I feel empowered as an artist…Beth encourages bravery but doesn’t force it. Since I first met and began working with Beth, I’ve had multiple pieces published in literary journals and anthologies, and won two writing contests. She saw the best in my work and helped me to see it, too.


-Elissa Lash




I am, no, I was a reluctant writer. Reluctant to claim the title for myself.  A middle aged lady with no writing in my background, who did I think I was? With Beth’s coaching I proudly call myself a writer now with several pieces published including one in the Washington Post and one for PBS, both of which Beth helped me in every step of the process from generating to editing to submitting.


I still participate in a writing group that Beth leads and it continues to be the highlight of my week.  She is magic, pure light, guiding me always towards my truth. 


-Anna Kahoe



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Copyright 2020  -  Beth Kanter

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